Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Waiting Game

Dustin had his PET scan this morning. Now we will have the longest 7 days until we travel back to Tulsa to get the results. I am sure we will do our best to keep busy until then! I haven't been feeling too well this past week, Lupus has decided to show up to remind me it is still here and can cause he!! on my body! My hands and hips have really been giving me problems, so Tyler went with Dustin this morning to his scan. Tyler is NOT a morning person, he takes after his uncle Dwight, I remember my mom trying to wake him up for school each morning and he was such a bear, well Tyler acts just like him! Tyler was in my room this morning at 4:30 am asking if I forgot to wake him up. He didn't need to get up until 5:30! But he was excited to be able to go with his dad :-) We have keep them away from the tests, chemo and other ugly things for now but I was glad Tyler went today, it was good for Dust and Tyler (and my dad didn't have to go, Thanks Pooh!!). After the PET Dust and Buddy went back to Pizza Shoppe, I have a feeling we will be going there every trip to Tulsa now 7 days and counting. :-) Delana

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Picture Day

Here are the promised pictures from yesterday and some others I think everyone might enjoy.

This is Dustin's favorite nurse, Annie.  She is hopefully giving him his last chemo treatment.

This is Annie charting at the little desk they have in the middle of the room.  She is the sweetest nurse!  Plus she told Dustin how to get to Pizza Shoppe....bonus points for her!!!

This is Wanda giving him his Neulasta injection.  They go in the back of his arm and they burn like fire.  He hates them.

His Pizza Shoppe pizza!  He was like a kid at Christmas when we got there.  I have to admit it was really good and made us both remember when we were younger (much younger) and we would go there with each other.  He was only able to eat what u see in the picture before he started to feel bad :( but it was worth the drive to see him so excited.

Back at the room after treatment.  You can see what the spidey juices do to him, the dark circles around his eyes always show up.

Had to show the best blueberry pancakes I have ever had.  We had breakfast at The Wild Fork before his chemo this past Wednesday and it was awesome.  He had a plain pancake (of course) and he said it was good too.  We usually go to McDonalds, so this was a step

Now for pictures of "The Babies".

This is Beanford eating a ham bone.  It looks like he is smiling....kinda creepy.

These next pictures are for one of my great friends Betty, otherwise known as "McFarland".  She said I never posted any pictures of our other baby, Baby Girl.  Well Betty, Baby is crazy! She keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing.  I tried to get a picture tonight and this is what happened. 

Dustin took this picture of Baby last week.  She is laying on his lap holding a little stuffed toy.

Last but certainly not least.  Our baby boy turned 14 this week!  I know some family has not seen him in awhile so here he is.  That is my dad behind him and it should explain a lot to my friends on why I am the way I

;-) Delana

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Last Treatment??

Dustin may have had his last treatment today. He has a PET scan next Wed and we get the results the following Wed, if all is clear we go home and say good bye to Hodgkins, if there r still signs of cooties we do 2 more cycles (4 treatments) or we may have to do a stem cell transplant.

So today on the floor of the treatment center the nurses knew today could be his last but you don't want to jinx it, so we told them goodbye but in the back of our mind both of us were thinking "I really hope this is good bye!!"

Today went perfect for Dustin, he had his favorite nurse and he did not have to wait on his meds! We were out of the hospital by 1 pm today, that never happens. We had a celebratory lunch today, he found the only Pizza Shoppe in Oklahoma, it was about 30 miles away but he said he was going!! It was awesome, it tasted just like the ones in KC.

His last round was pretty rough on him, the fatigue, bone pain and nausea about did him in. I really hope this round is not so bad but unfortunately it probably will be. I just have to remind myself this could be the last one. Dust and I pray it is the last one and I know we have many friends and family praying for us!

I have pictures from today but I am unable to post withy phone, when we get home I'll post them.

:-) Delana