Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Spidey Juice #3

This last trip went pretty well.  Dustin's counts were up so they sent us on to the hospital for his treatment (spidey juice).  He was full of "piss and vinegar" and was basically running in the hospital.  Tell me who runs in to the hospital for chemo?  My husband that's who.......all morning he had me laughing so hard I was crying.....I finally told him to stop, because I didn't wear my waterproof mascara...of course that just made it worse. 

There were two sisters were seated next to us in the treatment room.  They were older and super sweet and friendly.  The sister receiving chemo had just been diagnosed with lung cooties and this was her first round of spidey juice, her sister that was sitting with her had survived cancer 3 times!  They were a hoot and had the same twisted sense of humor we do so we had a good time with them. It made the day go by alot faster. They also agree that it will forever be called cooties in their house :-)  She receives her treatments 3 days in row every 3 weeks, so we figured it out that we should see them again in 6 weeks, that is if both she and Dustin behave with their blood work.

After treatment we headed to our room, by then Dust was not so spunky (he gets 4 bags of spidey juice and by that 4th bag you can just see the color change on his face).  It only took us about 30 minutes to get to the hotel, check in and unload.  There was a Schlotzsky's in front of the hotel so I got him a turkey sandwich, and I was a happy girl, there was also a sushi house next to the hotel :-)  After we ate he went straight to bed. The room at this hotel was nice, however the "bed" was another story....Dust said he thought the floor was softer.  When you sat on the bed it didn't move it was sooo hard.  He did OK through out the night as long as he took his meds.....if he misses a dose that is when he gets into trouble. 

I thought we would be able to go to the hospital and get his Neulasta injection as soon as we got up, but no such luck.  It has to be given 20 hours after your treatment ends.  His didn't end until 4pm, so the soonest we can go is 1pm.  So we ate breakfast and went to the Bass Pro Shop and did a little Christmas shopping.  When we were able to go back to the hospital our two favorite sisters were there so we sat and talked to them for a while. 

It has now been 5 days since his spidey juices and 4 since the shot and he has done really good.  The shot can cause deep bone pain and he was worried about that.  He has had some bone pain, but nothing his meds can't handle (apparently some people have it so bad the meds don't touch it).  As long as he takes his nausea meds he does OK. He was able go to Logan's Christmas Concert on Sunday. He is not quite his spunky self, but I say give it until Wednesday and he should be there ;-)

:-) Delana

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