Friday, January 27, 2012


When I think of chemo I have always thought of boiling, steaming concoctions from a witches brew, then once they were hung in an IV bag they would be neon green or yellow.  The first time I saw Dustin's spidey juices, it surprised me at how "normal" they looked.  We have been programed that chemo is so toxic that you wouldn't want to even touch it, I couldn't believe how innocent it appeared.  Logan says he is getting "Pinsol" in his veins, heck even pinsol is an ugly green/brown color. I think they should should be ugly in color to match what they do to the person....just my opinion.

 I took some pictures of his last treatment so everyone could see what his meds looked like.  The whole process takes about 4 hours.  That is from the time we check in to when we leave.  They can not order the chemo from the pharmacy until they actually see that Dust is there, so some times the longest part is waiting for the meds to arrive. Dustin's "cocktail" of medication was the normal treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  He was on ABVD.  He had a reaction to the "B" part of the cocktail so he is no longer on that one.  Some people can have a reaction to the "Bleo", so it was something we were watching out for.  He said it felt like someone was sitting on his chest when he was getting the "Bleo", so Dr M said, "no more for you!" 

The first picture is of the "A" part of the cocktail or Adriamycin.  It looks like red Kool-Aid.  This is the one that turns everything red for a little while.

"A" is given by "push", the nurse actually sits there and pushes it into the port.  She doesn't push it fast, so it takes about 10 minutes.

I forgot to mention one of his favorite parts........saline flushes!!!  They have to flush his port before and after each medication, and they do this with saline.  What almost all treatment centers use are prepackaged saline flushes.  These prepackaged flushes have some sort of preservative in them that make them have a metallic like taste during the flush, that is one of the worst parts of the actual chemo treatment.  Dustin was warned about this, so on the first treatment he took jolly ranchers to eat because it worked for someone else....bad idea, I don't think he will ever eat another grape jolly rancher again.  The best thing for him is peppermint candy. 

Two must haves during chemo...water and peppermint candy!!!
The next chemo med after Adriamycin is "V" or Vinblastine, this one is also given as a push.  It also takes about 10 minutes.

Doesn't that look so innocent.  I think it should at least be neon orange or yellow........ but it's clear...WTH.  Clear doesn't say......."Hey, in 1-2 days I'm gonna make you feel like total dog crap!!"  At least with animals if they are poisonous they usually have some sort of ideifying mark or bright color.....just saying!

The last medication is Dacarvazine, it is given by IV and takes at least an hour to run.

Dacarbazine (and Dustin's beautiful shiny head)
Dacarbazine.....another innocent looking spidey juice.  Believe me they are not so innocent.  By the time the Dacarbazine is hung, his color is gone and the dark circles have returned under his eyes.  He is not the happy, laughing, full of piss and vinegar person he was when we made the 3 hour drive that morning.  So now I take him to the hotel and hopefully can get him to eat before he falls asleep (it is worse if he doesn't eat). 

We will do this until June.  But if that is what it takes to make him whole again....I say....BRING IT ON!!!

:-) Delana


  1. Delana, I look forward to your posts about how Dustin is doing and everything you & your family has to go through!! Please tell Dustin I said HI and that my thoughts and prayers go out to all of you!! I met Dustin, Justin, Kyle from WoW and that was over 3-4 years ago!!
    I'm a truck driver and team with my husband and everytime we go through Oklahoma - I think of you guys!!
    Feel free to add me on FB @

    Take care, have faith & be strong!!

  2. Interesting - when they did my ABVD they always did the pushes last. I guess the order doesn't matter much, since it's going to make you feel like crud either way. ;)

    Tell Dustin to hang in there. It's a long hard road, but chemo DOES end, and you finally get to start feeling better.

    Lee (aka sonoran) from

  3. Hello I am a friend of Cimber's. My brother inlaw has this terrible disease. He is in remission now. I pray that Dustin will overcome this disease as well. May God bless him on his journey...Love ya, Patrice

  4. Jenn- Thanks for the prayers! Dustins WOW friends have been such a blessing.
    Lee- The nurses go in the same order each time :-) Good luck with your treatment and keep us posted on your progress
    Patrice- Thank you for your kind words, Dustin is a fighter and he too will be in remission soon ;-) Then we will have a PARTY!!

    :-) Delana
