Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chemo Starts Tomorrow

First chemo is tomorrow.  We are to arrive at the oncologist office at 930 for blood work, then we head over to the hospital for his first chemo treatment.  His first few treatments will be at the hospital then he will graduate up to the treatment center at the office.

He has felt really good these past few days.  He still looks like he is about 6 months pregnant at times and his back and hip is still bothering him, but hopefully once the cooties is gone the pain will be gone.

His oncologist told him he would loose his hair, so today we went out and bought some beanies.  He is already thinning on top, so he wanted to be prepared!  This got us to thinking......How many days until Dustin looses his hair?  We are going to keep track......Kinda like the Owl with the Tootsie Roll Pop....How many licks to the center of a tootsie roll pop? 1...2...3!


So enjoy the video and wish us luck tomorrow.

:-) Delana

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