Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 3

Last night was the last home football game, and Dustin was feeling OK, he said he was just going to sleep and would call me if he needed me... so I went to watch Logan march in the band for the last time this year.  I started texting Dustin in the 2nd quarter just to make sure he was doing OK....but I was not getting a response, of course that was worrying me.  After half-time and into the 3rd quarter of the game I finally reached him and he said he didn't feel good...while he was on the phone with me he got sick.... he quickly hung up.  I left the game and raced home to care for him.  After dry heaving... because he really didn't have anything in his stomach, he spent the rest of the night plagued with diarrhea every hour or so.  Neither of us got much rest last night.  He is trying to stay hydrated with water and Gatorade and he was able to eat some chocolate pudding today.  Today he says his teeth, gums and mouth hurt and that water feels good in mouth so first thing tomorrow I'm off to Wal-Mart to buy Popsicles, he wouldn't let me go tonight or I would have.

He did go on a field trip this evening.  My aunt and uncle smoked a wild hog and we went to their house for dinner....we had a really good time visiting with family and friends.  Dustin hasn't been out of the house except for Dr appointments or my parents house (or the occasional gro. run with me) in a while so it was time for him to "air out".  He was able to stay out for about 2 hours, which was about an hour longer than I anticipated.

He should start to feel better tomorrow and should start to get his strength back and hopefully his smell won't be so strong.  Please continue to pray for us and our family.  Please pray for strength for Dustin as he is already questioning how he is going to manage this for 6-8 months.

:-) Delana

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