Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Good Week

Dustin has had a really good week.  He finally got his appetite back after about 7 days. He has lost 15 lbs in the past 2 weeks!!   He is now trying to eat every thing he can in preparation for his next treatment this Thursday.  He had me make him chocolate chip cookies yesterday because he "only had 3 more days to eat them".  It is really good to see him eating again, but I know come Thursday that will all change. 

He says he can "feel" his lymph nodes shrinking.   His chest and other areas where we know his lymph nodes were the largest hurt.  This is a new pain for him to deal with, but he just takes it as a sign that the Spidey Juices are doing what they are supposed to do.  One side effect of chemo (Spidey Juices) is insomnia, so he now has a prescription for a sleeping pill....he took it for the first time last night.  He took it at 9:00 and I promise he was asleep by 9:05, it was too funny :-) 

Not much is going on...we are just getting ready for Thursday.

:-) Delana

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