Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 2

Today is day 2 of the Hair Watch and day 2 since chemo.  Believe it or not he is loosing some of his hair already.  He was taking a shower this morning and I hear him screaming my name, I thought he fell or was bleeding, but to my surprise he just wanted to show me a hand full of hair.  So it won't be long and he will be as smooth as a babies bottom :)

So far the only bad side effect he is having from chemo is, his sense of smell is intensified so much that he can not stand any odors.  I had an air freshener in our bathroom that was a very light sent, but it made him sick, I had to take it outside and put it in the trash can.  Then when he went outside he was looking at me like I had done something horrible, he yelled "Do you smell that?"  At first I had no idea what he was talking about but then I remembered the air freshener in the trash can.  The Spidey Juices have given him Spidey Powers!!  He just could not stand the smell.  I made tea and it made him sick, just normal tea, not fu-fu tea...plain tea!  I will admit that when I made tuna salad that was completely my fault and I should have known better, of course it made him sick, lesson learned. He made Tyler eat it outside. We may never have tuna in this house again :( I have a picture of that. I am now trying to figure out what to cook that doesn't have a odor.  If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!!

:( Dr Pepper doesn't taste the same right now, he has a few sips yesterday and tried to drink one today, but he said the fizz just tastes funny. 
Tyler...banned to the back porch to make his tuna sandwich :(
Tyler eating his tuna sandwich...
Until tomorrow...
;-) Delana


  1. Sorry Tyler,Tell dad to take his big butt OUTSIDE...Uncle Damone

  2. I think tofu is odorless. lol. just a thought. hang in there. miss and love you guys. Apey
